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carry out the decision中文是什么意思

用"carry out the decision"造句"carry out the decision"怎么读"carry out the decision" in a sentence


  • 执行决定


  • Under the charter, all members of the united nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the council .
  • The party shall carry out the decision on administrative penalty in accordance with the provisions of articles 46 , 47 and 48 of this law
  • The responsibility of the general manager is to carry out the decisions of the board of directors , organize and conduct the daily management of the company
  • Even if a problem could be decided by a single person , there are two main benefits in involving the people who will carry out the decision
  • As illustrated above , sense organs of the human body or extending ones collect information and transmit it to the cerebrum , and “ the spirit ” and “ the soul ” discuss , make a decision , and then the body carries out the decision
    如上所示:人体感官或感官延伸器将信息汇总传至大脑,大脑的“灵、魂协商” ? ?作出决定? ?肉体执行。
用"carry out the decision"造句  
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